Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs in English (S-W)
Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs in English (S-W) In the table below, youll find the principal parts of the most common irregular verbs in English (from S to W). To find the correct past or past participle form of a verb not included in the list, check your dictionary. If the dictionary gives only the present form of the verb, presume that the verb is regular and forms the past and past participle by adding -d or -ed. Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs S-W PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE sit sat sat sleep slept slept slide slid slid sling slung slung slit slit slit speak spoke spoken speed sped (or speeded) sped (or speeded) spin spun spun split split split spread spread spread spring sprang (or sprung) sprung stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stank (or stunk) stunk strike struck struck (or stricken) string strung strung swear swore sworn sweep swept swept swell swelled swelled (or swollen) swim swam swum swing swung swung take took taken teach taught taught tear tore torn tell told told think thought thought throw threw thrown thrust thrust thrust wake woke (or waked) woke (or waked or woken) wear wore worn weave wove woven weep wept wept win won won wind wound wound write wrote written Continue with: Irregular Verbs: Arise to GrowIrregular Verbs: Hang to Sink
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Buddhist Ethics Essays - Reincarnation, Gautama Buddha, Buddhism
Buddhist Ethics Essays - Reincarnation, Gautama Buddha, Buddhism Buddhist Ethics Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world and has been for almost 2,500 years, although it does not always appear to be a typical religion. It differs from other religions in that Buddhism is not based on the belief in a divine power, such as Christianity or Islam. Buddhism is more a way of life and a learning process than a set of divine commands. This essay will define, describe, and analyze the ethics of the Buddhist religion. It will present the reader with the basic principles and truths of Buddhism. It will begin with information on the origin of Buddhism and some details on the life of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Also it will explain the beliefs and moral behaviors of Buddhists. Siddhartha Gautama, later known in his life as the Buddha, meaning the Enlightened or Awakened One, was born around 563 B.C.E. He was born and raised in what is now known as Nepal, near the Himalayan Mountains. He belonged to Sakya tribe and his father ruled a small kingdom. He married his cousin, Yasodhara at nineteen, and she later gave birth to a son whom they called Rahula. Being raised in the palace, Prince Siddhartha was sheltered from the cruelty of the outside world. His father made sure that Siddhartha would grow up without ever seeing or experiencing suffering. When Siddhartha Gautama finally was exposed to the world outside the palace in his twenties, he saw for the first time the poverty, sickness, and misery that others had to face, which he had been shielded from him for so long. After seeing these sights he could not go back to his happy existence behind the palace while so many others suffered. Prince Siddhartha left his home and family and became a wandering beggar in search of answers (Mitchell 5). One night he sat down beneath a tree and decided not to move until he knew the answers to life. It was there that he became enlightened when he realized that life's suffering is caused by one's attempt to hold on to things that are impermanent. He saw that nothing is constant and the only way to relieve the suffering from loss is to eliminate one's desires. At the core of Buddhism lies its four noble truths: life is suffering; desire causes suffering; ending desire ends suffering; following the Noble Eightfold Path ends desire. The Noble Eightfold Path is as follows: Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Means of Livelihood, Right Endeavor, Right Mindfulness, and Right Meditation (Mitchell 41). According to the Buddha, life is suffering because one becomes attached to things that are impermanent. To be happy one needs to accept the fact that everything changes and that change cannot be stopped. Attachments originate from the fiction of a stable, permanent, and real self (Mitchell 126). The idea that there is no separate, individual self is called anatman. Samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, is another major feature of Buddhism. Until a person wakes up and sees the world as it truly is they will be forced to be reborn again and again until they become enlightened. When one becomes enlightened they no longer see the people and things in the world as separate. What appears as the multiplicity or the manyness of things and people is an illusion (Mitchell 41). The ultimate goal is for one to realize the truth and free them self from the wheel of Samsara and reach Nirvana, or Bliss. Since there is no individual self, everyone one is interconnected. Nothing stands alone; nothing is or can be separate from anything else (Mitchell 419). This brings up a very important feature of Buddhist ethics, the law of karma. Karma is the belief that whatever one does to others will come back to them. This is why Buddhists live peaceful live styles and do not harm other living beings. Since no one is separate and all people are interrelated, it is important for one to love others as one loves them self. But the Buddha did not mean, love, as most people think of it in a romantic context. Here [the] Buddha meant no
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Identify and describe the principles of Edwin Sutherland Differential Research Paper
Identify and describe the principles of Edwin Sutherland Differential Association Theory . Select and exaple and apply the Theory - Research Paper Example Legislators could use these theories for introducing legal rules that will prohibit people from crime. An indicative example is the theory of Differential Association of Edwin Sutherland. This theory is based on a series of principles, which are analytically described below referring to studies published in the academic literature. Sutherland first introduced the Differential Association Theory in 1924. The above theorist has been strongly influenced by the sociological theories of that time. He was mostly influenced by the views of Thomas and his theory of ‘the definition of the situation’. The above concept has been the theoretical basis on which the work of Sutherland was based. Sutherland developed his ‘generic theory of crime, the differential association theory, based on specific explanations of ‘law’ and ‘crime’’ (DeLisi et al. 216). This has been the main point at which the theory of crime of Sutherland – or else the differential association theory – has been differentiated from the work of other theorists in the specific field. A key characteristic of the theory of Sutherland is that it is not a concept that can be used periodically, independently from the life conditions, for the explanation of criminal behavior. It is rather involved in the course of life (DeLisi et al. 217). Another important element of the specific theory is its extensive reference to terms, like ‘attitudes and self-concepts’ (DeLisi et al. 217). In accordance with the theory of Sutherland, the criminal behavior cannot be characterized as a personal characteristic, i.e. it is not a type of behaviour inherited. Instead, it is learned, through the social interaction. In other words, the theory of Sutherland emphasizes on the importance of the social environment for the potential development of criminal behavior (DeLisi et al. 217). However, through this point of view, it can be assumed
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Explain Marie Winn's ideas about how television functions, and show Essay
Explain Marie Winn's ideas about how television functions, and show how her ideas apply to other forms of mass media - Essay Example First there were newspapers. They informed people of the state of affairs and public believed them. Publishers sold scandals and negative emotions and public got depended. Papers served as a wonderful way out of an awkward situation. If you did not want to communicate with people in a public place, you read a newspaper. A father, afraid of communication with his children, could hide himself behind a morning paper during breakfast and then escape in reading evening papers. Today papers and magazines serve as a source of propaganda of way of lives. Reading certain magazines you feel belonging to certain groups. Radio helps you to passively entertain yourself both in free time and on your way to work. Television and internet absorb most of time and attention of millions of people in the world. A TV-set is an obligatory thing in every house. People get surprised learning that you do not watch TV. Internet is a new plague of the humanity. Seemingly inoffensive and enormously useful at fir st sight, it creates a generation of online people, afraid of living communication and unable to perceive a concrete person who could become a partner. Marie Winn in her book The Plug-In Drug: Television, Children and the Family provides keen observations of the impact of television on the life of modern people and families. It is a well known fact that a family is the smallest cell of the society. It is here that we start our life journey, learning how to deal with the world and people. Certainly, the problem of parents and children has always existed. Even Juliet Capulet found it difficult to explain herself with her mother and communicated with her parents mostly through the nurse. Yet, the Capulets did have a chance to inform their offspring about their demands, hopes and displeasure. The family also had some rituals uniting them into a family, different from the rest families in Verona. Modern children often learn their parents’
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Group Incentives Paper Essay Example for Free
Group Incentives Paper Essay Working on teams has been a part of many of the organizations I have been a part of however the majority of the time it isn’t easy to apply team concepts to each scenario. Throughout my life I have played sports, been a part of search and rescue organizations, the military, learning teams and other volunteer organizations such as the sheriff’s department. In the Army we work in teams within each department for an individual unit all providing support for the unit and units under our unit. It is the ability for the team to work with a cohesiveness and pull together each other’s personal strengths to accomplish the teams overall objectives. As a team, design two incentives created specifically for your team’s dynamics. In the unit I work in I am a part of an Operations section which is the heart and soul of the unit. Within the section each soldier is responsible for an individual area of tasking that contributes to the overall success of the unit. There is an Officer, a Non-Commissioned Officer (enlisted similar to a team manager), his assistant who serves more of an immediate supervisor and then each team member. Although we are all work in different positions performing not only different tasks but different jobs altogether; yet we all have to learn and understand each other’s primary positions so that if one team member is unable to work then what other team member is available is capable of stepping in to cover that position and meet those objectives. As an immediate supervisor I am responsible for ensuring that all goals or objectives are being met by the required timelines in order for the team to succeed. I bring to the team knowledge, experience, confidence, and leadership which are my strengths. Using the list of group roles identified by Kenneth Benne and Paul Sheats(Wynn, 2012) I fall in the category of coordinator; because of the team dynamics the members aren’t necessarily junior in position or rank which means they are self motivators as well as have their own unique skill sets and experience levels that they bring to the team. Therefore I have found that the leadership style that I bring as a coordinator pulling together knowledge, ideas and resources from the other members of the team and utilizing them is far more effective. My ability to coordinate versus using a typical management style of strictly delegating tasks and checking the status for completion benefits the team since it avoids confrontation and dissention between the members as myself. Recognizing and showing that the knowledge and skills that each person contributes is valued by utilizing individual strengths creates a balance and synergy in the team allowing the team to easily see how their contributions affect the team’s success. Since we were deployed overseas for combat operations throughout the training period and the course of the year more junior soldiers as well as peers were able to learn from my previous combat experience and the knowledge I have gained as well as encouraging others to share their unique skills as knowledge has fostered an environment that encourages sharing versus focusing more narrowly on one person alone. Negative Effects of Individual Strengths There have been times that it isn’t always beneficial to simply coordinate a tasking or try to go with the flow to avoid conflict. A high performance team that has a cumulative amount of skills and knowledge from a diverse background must at times be directed and have tasks delegated when there is conflict or a lack of cooperation between members of the team. The drawback of a team being together for long periods of time is that as it moves through all of the stages eventually it has to break up and members of the team move to other teams and projects. Within this scenario a team not only works together, eats together, lives together and exercises together with very little time to break away from the team and therefore with have a higher level of stress compounded by separation from many other norms as well as the overall austere working conditions. During situations such as this it is not always beneficial to stay with one leadership or management style instead you have to le arn to adapt to the groups culture at the time and change as it changes. Room for Improvement One skill that I lack in is in a different scenario working with a learning team I have found that since the time frame for the team to move through each phase is so short and suspense times are equally so I tend to fail to become engaged earlier enough on in the process. The teams are formed at the end of the first week but not engaging until well into the end of the second week but only for a short time as the requirement for the team to perform isn’t until well into the third week I am still working mainly as an individual and failing to engage the team as early as possible. Another skill I need to work on is communication in respect to problem-solving; In this area with such as short time for a team to form, storm, norm and accomplish its objectives it is important for the team to communicate effectively any problems they are having either individually or as a team as quickly as possible to allow them to pull together resources utilizing the teams strengths to solve the pr oblem. Although I work on teams in the military often times I have been taught and needed to be capable of operating independently using personal knowledge and experience to work through a problem in isolated environments. Because of that I find that I will find myself doing so trying to struggle to work through a problem on my own instead of engaging my team, taking the time to learn and get to understand each member to allow them to come together utilizing their strengths. This process is much more effective and will tend to find solutions to a problem much more quickly. Problem solving techniques One technique I use to work through problems is a speaker- listener technique causes me to work to not simply hear but to listen to the problem to understand what the true problem is isolating it from non essential information that can cause someone to become derailed from the core issue while attempting to solve other problems that are simply effects not the cause. Another problem solving technique that I could use would be establishing a structured forum working to communicate a problem with a group or team communicating effectively and in a timely manner not letting time elapse before utilizing this method. Ultimately this would pull more resources allowing for more creative ideas that are more than one dimensional and would work to foster a more cohesive team learning environment. References McClelland, D. (1961). Methods of Measuring Human Motivation. Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Death Penalty Debate Essay -- Papers Capital Punishment Essays Pap
The Death Penalty Debate The issue of the death penalty is widely disputed. So disputed that maybe I shouldn’t have picked this topic. But nevertheless, the death penalty is an issue that needs to be addressed. Should the death penalty be abolished from our criminal justice system? Well, that depends on whom you ask. If you ask me†¦ no. I personally don’t see anything wrong with the death penalty because there are a lot of criminals that are just too dangerous to society and death is the only punishment they deserve. I know that it is in the eighth amendment that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and I can’t think of a greater punishment for a crime than death, but I believe that exceptions should be made. Despite U.S. Supreme Court rulings to the contrary, many death penalty opponents consider capital punishment in and of itself to be cruel and unusual. They believe the death penalty to be a barbarous practice that should be discarded. Specific methods of execution also frequently come under attack as violating the Eighth Amendment. Death penalty advocates counter that the framers of the Constitution took capital punishment for granted, and did not consider it cruel and unusual. Some proponents of the death penalty believe some methods of execution, such as lethal injection, are more humane than others. ( From 1930, the first year for which statistics are readily available from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, to 1967, 3,859 persons were executed. During this period, over half (54%) of those executed were black, 45 % were white, and the remaining 1% were members of other racial groups -- American Indians (19), Filipino (13), Chinese (8), and Japanese (2). The vast ... make all the violent offenders think twice before they commit the crime. Works Cited: Death Penalty Debate. ( death/), Online, March 2000. -Gives information on the states that have reinstated capital punishment into their justice system and gives a list of the 12 states that still do not have the death penalty. Pollitt, Katha: The Nation, New York; Mar 6, 2000; Vol. 270, Iss. 9; pg. 10, 1 pgs, EBSCOhost March 2000 -Gives a detailed two sided argument on the death penalty and argues how it costs more to house an immate for life in prison. Punishment And The Death Penalty. (http://www.ethics., Online, March 2000. - Gives statistical facts on the history of the death penalty. Sullum, Jacob: Reason, Los Angeles; Mar 2000; Vol. 31, iss. 10, pg. 14, 1 pgs, EBSCOhost March 2000
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Jack Hayward High School Essay
Jack hayward is a very large school. The school is located in Pioneers loop. Jack Hayward is the largest government school in Grand Bahama. The color of the school is yellow. At the school we have about 60 classrooms in the entire school. In 2010 the school was divided into two divisions the junior high school which ran from grades 7-9 and the senior high school which were from grades 10-12. However, the government decided to rejoin the two school back together in 2012. On the school property we have our course area, an activity field where we do our outdoor activities. On the school campus we have a volley ball court, basketball court , soccer field and a gymnasium. The student body of Jack Hayward is avery different set of students. Each student has a different personality; some students are quiet while on the other hand the other students are very loud and boisterous. The students of Jack Hayward has grown to more than just a student body over the years, they have grown to be a family. And like every family we have our problems. Some students at Jack Hayward are very short and some are tall. The students of Jack Hayward are a set of well educated students. The teachers of Jack Hayward are highly educated, and they believe that no child should be left behind either work below their potential. Each teach wants to help their students and would do whatever it takes to get the child’s mind flowing. The teachers at the school makes sure that the student gets all of his/her work done. Some teachers take time out of their personal time to help a student with work. And that’s what it’s all about at our school.At Jack Hayward we have a large variety of extra curricular activities such as the Governor General Youth Award or better known as GGYA, Elite Girls Club, Junior Elite Girls Club, the karate club and so much more. We even offer after school classes for students that need extra practice with their school work.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Assertiveness Paper
Assertive Paper When faced with a dilemma at work or at school the way you handle and voice your opinion is crucial in communicating your level of assertiveness. There is a proper way of being assertive rather than seeming aggressive. It takes practice in order to properly accomplish a comprehension of this technique. Becoming better at speaking your mind verbally and nonverbally will allow you to interact as a leader amongst your fellow workers and colleagues. I can be an assertive person when the time is right and the surroundings ask for a certain level of assertiveness to be needed.If I am with a group of people and I disagree with someone’s opinion or point of view of a certain issue I will allow myself to speak my mind without attacking what the other person said. The most important part of being assertive to me is not being aggressive towards others when expressing thoughts. An example would be during my senior year in high school when we were placed into groups and had to discuss our opinion on gay marriage. The conversations were at the most very educated until a person bluntly stated that they believed gay people should never get married because it was disgusting.Surely this person was entitled to their opinion but the was they phrased their response was in an aggressive manner towards anyone who believed otherwise. I responded right away without directly referring to that person with the word you rather than spoke my mind using the word I. My opinion was that people should be allowed to do what they think it is best for them no matter what others might think. If their decision is not affecting anyone else then they are entitled to their own actions and decisions as human beings.Once I said that the person became angry in a way but not because I disagreed with them but rather in the way I formed my response they could not say I was directly meaning it towards them. The verbal messages I tend to always give out when being assertive has to be for the most part to seem sure of what I am saying backing it up with support but at the same time not sounding like I am attacking anyone’s ideas or opinions. Beginning my words with I makes people feel less threatened and allows them to also have an opinion.When the situation requires me to give an order I will be serious and communicate what needs to be done. The nonverbal messages that I give off when being assertive is to maintain eye contact with the person. This is really important to me because it lets the other person know you are serious and expect what you are telling them to be understood and also taken into consideration. My body posture when doing so is standing upright without moving around or making a lot of hand movements.I try to keep a steady posture which allows the person to stay focused on my message. What I consider to be doing well while being assertive are speaking with a direct tone to the subject in matter while maintaining eye contact. When beginning my message the first word I tend to use is I in order to stay away from people believing they are being blamed or accused. I refrain from telling people your wrong or that is not the way to do something unless it is required of me to do so in certain situations.The way that works the best when communicating a solution to a problem or an approach is to have a sense with the person that what your are saying is a good way but leaving the window open for them to have an opinion as well. I would like to improve myself in the area of giving speeches in front of people to seem very confident. I am not a bad public speaker but I tend to get nervous when doing so for a long period of time. I have tried practicing in front of the mirror speaking and it works out great but it is not the same as actually being in front of many people.That’s what I need more practice in order to be looked at as very assertive when giving a speech. Assertiveness is a learned trait that we all must be aware of and practice in our everyday lives. This quality will help you all through out school and work. It will also better your relationship with friends and family. Being confident and believing in yourself is an important attribute that must go hand in hand with being assertive. Communicating with proper grammar and adjacent nonverbal cues will allow you to be taken serious and provide a level complete with the perfect balance of a great assertive person.
Friday, November 8, 2019
In Spoken French, the Ne in Negatives May Be Dropped
In Spoken French, the Ne in Negatives May Be Dropped French negation can be tricky. Normally, to make a statement negative you need to surround the conjugated verb with the formal French negative adverb ne...pas. However, if youve ever watched French movies or television, or chatted with native speakers, you have almost certainly heard pas (or another negative adverb) used without ne, because this is a typical construction, characteristic of informal and familiar French. Although the full express (ne...pas) is nearly always written out, the ne is often dropped in spoken French. But you should be able to construct a sentence, in most cases, using the full ne...pas that means the same thing. Pas without ne can be used to negate adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, and verbs. Purists will tell you that using pas without ne is wrong (and they tell me I shouldnt teach it), but the reality is that this is how the French speak now. So if your goal is to sound more French, thats how you should speak, too. Informal Negative Statements Without Ne Je ne sais pas. Je sais pas. Or even: Jsais pas, Sais pas, and Chais pas (pronounced Shai pah). (I dont know.) Il ne va pas venir. Il va pas venir. (He isnt going to come.)Elle nest pas encore arrivà ©e. Elle est pas encore arrivà ©e. (She hasnt arrived yet.)Ne bouge pas ! Bouge pas ! (Dont move!)Il ne faut pas faire à §a ! Il faut pas faire à §a. (You shouldnt do that!Note: Its not just ne...pas constructions where speakers drop the ne; they do as well with all the other negative structures.Je nai plus dargent Jai plus dargent. (I dont have any more money.)Nous ne le voyons jamais Nous le voyons jamais. (We never see him.)Je nai aucune idà ©e Jai aucune idà ©e. (I have no idea.)Je nen sais rien Jen sais rien. (I dont know anything about it.)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Julia Laflin on writing The House At Roc Noir
Julia Laflin on writing The House At Roc Noir A Reedsy Success Story - Julia Laflin’s The House At Roc Noir We see so many amazing projects go through our platform that we sometimes feel bad about not bragging more about them. So that’s we’re doing today by letting Julia Laflin share her Reedsy experiences on our blog, and offer some invaluable pieces of advice for other authors out there. Our favourite: â€Å"My working relationship with Lane has been one of the most helpful and productive experiences that I could have wished for, so if you’re about to self-publish, don’t skimp on the editorial process and make sure you find an editor who inspires you to do better.†You can more of our success stories right here! Otherwise, take it away, Julie.I’m Julia Laflin, writer and author of The House At Roc Noir, an atmospheric novella set in the lonely wilds of Corsica, which has recently been selling very nicely as a self-published ebook. The initial draft of the book was as a long short story, however knowing that traditional publishers have little appetite for publishing single stories, I decided to take the self-publishing route.My first step was to find an editor and cover designer. Having spent some time wondering where to find a professional editor and designer, I eventually met an author at a Byte the Book gathering who told me he’d used Reedsy.  This network of professionals almost rhymes with easy-peasy - and when my turn came, Reedsy really was easy-peasy to use! What I hadn’t anticipated was just how fascinating and enjoyable the editing process would turn out to be.Having scrolled through the CVs and biographies of all the experienced editors vetted by Reedsy, I matched myself with Lane Ashfeldt. I was attracted to Lane because she’s an award-winning author who also teaches creative writing and has experience as an editor of both short fiction and novels. Even better, her published collection of fiction, SaltWater, seemed to have thematic resonances with my project. The target audience for The House At Roc Noir is more likely to be female, so it also seemed sensible to pitch for a female editor (sorry, chaps!). The only thing that was missing was a mention of a cat in her blurb. Never mind, she probably hates them. I’ll have to ask her one day. My Reedsy cover designer, Lizzie Gardiner, mentioned her cat, so that made up for it.I was delighted when Lane and I struck our bargain and started our collaboration. Lane suggested a structural edit and, as it was a short piece at 15,000 words, she offered to do a line by line edit too. She asked for a steer on genre and target audience, as well as a synopsis and some photographs of Corsica from my travels.She read my draft and sent me a detailed editorial assessment with developmental edit suggestions. It was like a school report but in a good way. Overall she called it ‘a very satisfying short read’, praising its ‘psychological suspense’ and ’atmospheric setting’. She then follo wed it with some great practical advice to develop the text even further.The opening of the story introduces Alice and her lawyer husband Nick travelling to a remote bay in the north of the island. Lane suggested strengthening the beginning by turning the holiday location into a birthday surprise for Alice. Her guidance included better ‘ordering and sequencing’ of the journey to keep the reader in the ‘now’ of the narrative. She also made it clear however, that this did not necessitate extensive rewrites. Lane reminded me that it’s important that ‘we get the story and the other characters filtered very much through Alice’s perspective’. I’d slipped on the writer’s equivalent of that bar of soap a couple of times. Also, I needed to allow Nick to do more and develop his character which in turn, after rewrites, led to a more interesting husband and wife dynamic.Then I spotted a margin note: ‘I’ve begun to w onder if there perhaps ought to be more definite indications of a sex life between Alice and Nick†. Given the genre and the intended readership, this did seem like a missing element. With a big gulp, I went back to the manuscript to insert some subtle steaminess into my couple’s activities! Lane liked Cally, Nick and Alice’s daughter, and the restaurant owner Antoine and she suggested that I expand both of their roles in the story. I threw in a cat too, basically a carbon copy of the tabby that’s lolling on my desk right now. Lane liked the cat but possibly only in her professional capacity as character assessor†¦The end section of my story shifted to reported events, from Nick’s viewpoint. Lane pointed out (spoiler on the horizon) that although this worked it prevented an interpretation ‘that might include Alice and demonstrate her recovery from the events’. So it was back to the keyboard again to reimagine the last section wit h Alice at the heart of the narrative. I liked the changes, which gave the story a much greater sense of resolution.Other points that changed in rewrites were the length and the title of the book. Lane advised that a longer read would hit the KDP pot of gold as an increased royalty rate kicks in at certain price points. The suggested revisions also extended the length significantly. The finished length was 25,000 words – technically a novella rather than a short story. My working title was ‘The Sea House’, however I hadn’t thought to check online. Lane pointed out it had been expended by Esther Freud and others - not necessarily a barrier to usage, but something she wanted to check whether I was aware of, or not. I had a think about this and came up with several possible new titles, which were duly cross-tested on a few potential buyers. Finally I selected the new title, The House At Roc Noir. Fortunately the cover art had not yet been commissioned, so mak ing this change did not incur any additional costs.Lane was really generous with her time and I felt that she was fully involved with the process. She was clear that while she hoped her input and suggestions made it easier for me to finish, she insisted that ‘it is important for you to own and control this story – not me!’I soft-launched ‘The House At Roc Noir’ in mid-May and it made it half-way up the top 100 paid Kindle holiday reads in the first week of publication and the feedback so far has been positive. I’ve plenty more to do to reach out to summer holiday readers, as well as progress my Greek family saga novel. My working relationship with Lane has been one of the most helpful and productive experiences that I could have wished for, so if you’re about to self-publish, don’t skimp on the editorial process and make sure you find an editor who inspires you to do better.Follow Julia, Lane and Reedsy on Twitter: @Julia_Lafl in, @Ashfeldt and @ReedsyHQ.Do you also work with a developmental editor for your stories? What has been your experience with him/her? Leave us your thoughts, or any question for Julia or Lane, in the comments below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Legal Systems and Ethical Standards Research Paper
Legal Systems and Ethical Standards - Research Paper Example This paper gives an in depth analysis of the legal and ethical standards in the two countries. For an international company wishing to do business in a foreign country it needs to familiarize itself with the legal and ethical standards that regulate the operations of its business line. This mainly focuses on the commercial laws which are known as the law of merchants, intellectual property, commercial paper, business association, private maritime law and bankruptcy (JURIST, 2010). The industrial property law is stipulated in The Paris Treaty and covers matters including unfair competition, trademarks, patents and industrial designs. To incorporate a business in Greece the company must receive approval from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, pay tax to the local tax authority and register with all other relevant bodies in the country. The legal system in the United States has led to the emergence of a capitalist market. There is free ownership of property and freedom of choice. There are unclear rules and regulations governing the business environment in the country. Joe Diver Company should get authorization from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The company should file its documents with the Athens Bar Association. It should pay the deposit capital in a bank, pay capital tax on the concentration of capital to the local tax authority and obtain a tax registration number. The company should sign the Articles of Incorporation before the notary public. The company must notify manpower OAED (Office of Aboriginal Economic Development) within eight days of hiring a worker. Joe Diver Company should register with the relevant social security authorities. For a foreign company seeking to introduce its products in Greece it must have 300,000 Euros (U. S. Commercial Service, 2010). Its labor laws must comply with those in the country and a third of the jobs created should be given to the citizens. A business
Friday, November 1, 2019
HCA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HCA - Essay Example Considering the availability and application of various growth and expansion strategies in the health sector, strategic planning is paramount to help in monitoring the progress of implementation and evaluation of different stages as a directive measure of success. Objectives In a bid to improve its productivity in terms of service delivery and improve its competitive advantage in the health sector, HCA intends to improve its economies of scale in areas of management, purchases, production and marketing. In addition, it intends to incorporate new growth and expansion strategies such as telemedicine, mergers and joint ventures and improve on employee satisfaction in a bid to restore clients’ confidence and enhance good governance/organization culture within its institutions. This will improve on resource allocation and enable the management in monitoring the progress of the institution in line with its core objectives of quality delivery of medical services, maintenance of its b usiness position/market share, reputation and profit maximization. Implementation Plan To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the organization requires conducting an intensive environmental scan to ascertain the internal functioning of its institutions, evaluation of its position in relation to the industry’s tasks environment and evaluation of the external macro-environment factors. This will call for evaluation of its technological advancements in the field of nursing and medicine, and analysis of its preparedness to incorporate/absorb the competitive aspect of other stakeholders in the health sector. To achieve and overcome the social aspect of its programs, the organization will analyse health consciousness, population growth rate, and emphasis on career safety and attitude among the employees (Harrison & A.U.P in Health Administration, 2010). To achieve the growth and expansion objective, the organization will look into political and economic factors such as tax poli cy, employment laws, economic growth, inflation rates and environmental regulations of different states and economies where they intend to expand their services. This will be coupled by independent programs by its affiliate institutions through effective budgeting and allocation and mitigation procedures in the respective institutions. There will be funds set aside, from the affiliate institutions, to help in financing new ventures that it intends to open within the United States and abroad. This will be guided by the SWOT analysis in which the organization will evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in relation to forthcoming opportunities and threats. Functional Tactics In order to achieve an effective implementation plan, HCA intends to combine several tactics which will comprehensively meet the needs of stakeholders in the industry. Policy/strategy formulation will rely on the information from the environmental scan which will be matched with the SWOT analysis to evaluate the opt imum strategies. To achieve profitability and competitive advantage, the organization will apply product and services differentiation so as to attract clients from all economic and social backgrounds. This will feature strategies such as lowering costs of medicines and therapies in line with regional needs, differentiating products through mechanization and application of science and technology to promote client satisfaction, and customization of nursing services to be governed by an in-depth understanding of the
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