Writing an essay online
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Chicken a La Carte Reaction
Response on Chicken A La Carte by Ferdinand DimaduraGuide questions:What influenced you? Why?What are your realizations?What does it let you know as an understudy of Biology?What influenced me was perceiving how the less blessed were so handily fulfilled and content with simply having extra food. The kids couldn't hold on to get their hands on the food brought by one man from their locale. Perceiving how they joyfully yet ravenously devoured the chicken pieces that others had just expended made me need to wish I might go to them and give them appropriate food.Being part of the better-obeyed area of the general public, we effectively get what we need. We have food on our tables ordinary, three times each day. We have legitimate safe house and appropriate attire. Our requirements are all around accommodated, much more prominent than that of what is vital yet we underestimate them. The scene wherein the family prayed before participating in the extra that their dad brought home for them truly contacted my heart. The things that we regularly underestimate is seen by others as a gift. We request a ton of things yet it never entered our thoughts that there are the individuals who wish they had what we have.Have we even expressed gratitude toward the Lord for the things, how little it might be that he has given us? I don't know what the short film should let me know as a Biology understudy, beside that I am required to watch it and make a paper about it since it is a prerequisite in the ETAR class that is a piece of the educational plan. Be that as it may, being an understudy in itself and being a piece of a general public where the circumstance indicated is remained constant, some portion of the acknowledge it brought to me was that I can plan something for make the circumstance better.I could begin by being a piece of an effort program that gives food, instruction, and so on. It doesn't make a difference whether what I do might be large or little, regardless of whet her I get acknowledgment for it or not. What is significant is that I am ready to confer something in their lives and offer the favors that I have. I can dare to dream that my kindred understudies (and other people who had the option to watch the film) may likewise acknowledge what I have acknowledged and may likewise follow up on their acknowledge. We are a piece of a mankind that requirements expectation and mending and being as straightforward as an understudy isn't an impediment to accomplish it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Do Retirees Use Payday Loans - OppLoans
Do Retirees Use Payday Loans - OppLoans Do Retirees Use Payday Loans?Inside Subprime: Dec 11, 2018By Aubrey SitlerSince many bad credit loan providers require proof of income to make a loan, it might seem logical that retirees would not make up a big piece of their lending audience. However, available data suggest that there are plenty of retirees out there who have turned to predatory loan firms for a cash advance when they’re in a financial crunch. About 9 percent of adults over age 60 have taken out a payday loan in the last 5 years, according to a Pew Charitable Trusts report published in 2012.In California, annual reports from the state’s Department of Business Oversight (DBO) indicate that in 2016, nearly a quarter of more than 11.5 million payday loans taken out statewide were made by seniors over 62 years of age, and that age group constituted about 21.5% of all payday loan borrowers in the state. In 2017, both the total number of payday loans in California and the proportion taken out by those over 62 years ol d diminished, but still an alarming 14.7% of predatory bad credit loans in California were used by that age group. What’s yet more disturbing is the number of loans per customer reported by the DBO: Predatory loan borrowers over 62 years old took out an average of 6.96 payday loans each in 2016, and that number increased to 7.05 in 2017.There are two big issues at hand here:First, most retirees are on some sort of fixed income, be it from social security, a pension, or other assets and savings like a 401(k), so taking out a no credit check loan with extremely high interest rates and fees is a risky move. If they can’t pay it back almost immediately, the chances of them having enough access to the extra funds required to meet the ballooning total amount due becomes increasingly unlikely with time, meaning retirees easily fall into inescapable debt traps.Second, the predatory nature of these loans means that seniors and retirees may be targeted specifically because their limited i ncomes make them financially vulnerable. That is, payday lenders want to lend to people with lesser likelihoods of paying their loans back quickly because that maximizes the payday lender’s earnings. In fact, there are pages and pages of search results out there that market payday loans specifically to seniors and retirees, likely for this very reason.There are myriad examples of retirees falling into payday lending or cash advance traps. Daniel Smith (last name redacted for privacy) fell prey to payday lenders in Biloxi, Mississippi earlier this year. After cashing pre-approved checks from cash advance lenders in the mail, Daniel thought they might be the answer to his financial challenge: making necessary home repairs that he otherwise couldn’t afford on a fixed pension income. Nevertheless, after failing to repay loans whose interest and fees kept multiplying, Daniel had to declare bankruptcy. As he stated to a reporter, “I am a grown man, retired military, worked for the c ity of Biloxi for 14 years so I am not an uneducated man. However, I got caught in this. They make it too simple.â€There are better alternatives out there for folks like Daniel whose incomes don’t quite allow for unexpected costs associated with homeownership, medical emergencies, and more. For state-by-state information on predatory lending practices and other resources that could be available in your community, check out our .For more information on payday loans, scams, cash advances, and title loans, check out our state and city financial guides.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
Hell in Dantes Divine Comedy Essay example - 1364 Words
Hell in the divine Comedy and Aeneid In Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante incorporates Virgil’s portrayal of Hades (In The Aeneid) into his poem, and similarities between the Inferno and Hades can be drawn, however Dante wasn’t attempting to duplicate Virgil’s works. Although the Hell depicted in Dante’s Inferno is essentially based on the literary construction of the underworld found in Virgil’s Aeneid, in their particulars the two kingdoms are quite different. Virgil’s underworld is largely undifferentiated, and Aeneas walks through it without taking any particular notice of the landscape or the quality of suffering that takes place among the dead. Aeneas’ first concern is with the fate of his friends, then with meeting his†¦show more content†¦And Dread, and Hunger that sways men to crime. And sordid want – in shapes to affright the eves And Death and Toil and Death’s own brother, Sleep†¦(Fitzgerald, p.169) But once Aeneas gets past these figures, and the on rushing horde of the dead and dying at the boatman’s shore, the underworld turns out to be relatively calm and stable setting. There are some further similarities between Virgil’s and Dante’s hells, no doubt due to Dante’s close reading of the Latin and his wish to make Virgil his guide and mentor. For example, there are periodic challenges to the living as they walk through hell, and the boatman warns Virgil, â€Å"It breaks eternal law for the Stygian craft to carry living bodies.†Virgil also conceived the idea of separating the dead infants wail in one area, the falsely accused and condemned in another, the suicides in yet another. But all Virgil’s dead are condemned to the same hopeless fate, and it is only the memory of life which torments them. Conscious of this, Aeneas apologizes to Dido for deserting her at the behest of the gods; unfortunately, Dido repudiates him and joins Sychaeus, her former mate. A central concern of many of Aeneas encounters is whether or not the burial rituals have been carried out; the unburied are not even allowed to cross the River Styx, and those whose rituals have not been properly performed seem toShow MoreRelatedDantes The Divine Comedy - Heaven and Hell Essay829 Words  | 4 PagesDantes The Divine Comedy - Heaven and Hell Where does a person who commits a heinous sin go? Where does a person who did legitimate things and prays all his life go? This is what distinguishes hell and heaven. Hell is to people, what school is to students, a place where souls of all morals, good or bad, were consigned after death. This is the place of punishment of Satan and the other fallen angels and of all mortals who die unrepentant of serious sin. On the contrary, heaven is to people, whatRead MoreEssay about The Divine Comedy1224 Words  | 5 Pagessaid: If you are going through hell, keep going. If you were to describe Dante’s Divine Comedy as simply as possible you would use this quote. However, Dante’s Divine Comedy has never been that simple. Sure, it is about religion and hell and heaven. But it is also about political ideas. The way spirituality and politics commingle in Dante’s world has interested literature fiends and political theorists alike. So what exactly is Dante’s Divine Co medy? How did Dante’s everyday life affect this pieceRead MoreResponsibility to Others versus Individual Selfishness1745 Words  | 7 Pagesothers as well as others to the individual or is otherwise a loss. Throughout Dante’s The Divine Comedy 1: Hell and Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the idea of the responsibility to others versus an individual’s selfishness is a constant debate. In both Dante’s The Divine Comedy 1: Hell and Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the responsibility to others is something that is expected. In Dante’s The Divine Comedy 1: Hell, Dante is guided through Hell and learns how various sins are punished, the traitors being near the bottomRead MoreThe Divine Comedy1705 Words  | 7 PagesCommedia, or more commonly known as The Divine Comedy remains a poetic masterpiece depicting truth and sin. The Divine Comedy, through the journey into the three hells, expresses a universal truth of good versus evil. Alighieri’s life of heartbreak with the influences of other famous poets like Homer and Virgil has affected his writing style, and through reviews by literary experts and their interpretation of Alighieri’s unique use of motifs, The Divine Comedy can be broken down to a epic that expressesRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri873 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Divine Comedy†is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. He wrote the epic sometime between 1308 and 1321, the year he died. It is considered one of the greatest works of world literature. He wrote â€Å"The Divine Comedy†while he was exiled from Florence, Italy (Bishops 182). â€Å"The Divine Comedy†recounts Dante’s idea of the afterlife. It is written in a first person perspective and follows Dante’s journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. At the time Dante wrote the Divine Comedy, Italy wasRead MoreDante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 )1353 Words  | 6 PagesCampaldino. 2. There was a lot of political unrest during Dante’s lifetime, as well as a horde of new poetical and literary movements that arose. This was due to the Guelfi Party’s split into two: those in favor of the pope and those in favor of the emperor. In addition, the new poetical movement that came about was called the â€Å"Stilnovo†, and was basically a style where poets would discuss their feelings of love and theorize about love. 3. Dante’s wife, Gemma Donati, does not have as large an influenceRead More Analysis of the Inferno of Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy Essay1221 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Inferno of Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is considered by many as the first great poem in the Italian language and perhaps the greatest poem written in Medieval Europe. The poem is so famous that one of the minor characters, Capaneus the great blasphemer, has his name on a mesa on one of Jupiters moon Io (Blue, 1). Also, the poem is divided into three canticles, or sections, Inferno, Purgatorio, andRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri1725 Words  | 7 PagesIn composing the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri has created and brought to his readers three examples of literary brilliance. A masterfully written poem that still serves as a preface for contemporary heaven/hell/purgatory imagery, the divine comedy brings readers along for the ride on Dante’s path towards salvation. Depending on how gullible one may be, interpretation of the legitimacy of the Divine Comedy is varied; that is to say, although a few might believe Dante actually did somehow travelRead MoreDantes Voyage Through Hell1490 Words  | 6 PagesThe Inferno was written by Dante Alighieri around 1314 and depicts the poet’s imaginary journey through Hell. Dante spent his life traveling from court to court both lecturing and writing down his experiences. His Divine Comedy – the three-part epic poem consisting of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso (Hell, Purgatory and Heaven)– is generally regarded as one of the greatest poetic feats ever accomplished. All three parts are incredible literary feats with symbolism so complex and beautiful thatRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri1277 Words  | 6 PagesDante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy from 1308-1320. The story narrates Dante’s pilgrimage through hell, purgatory, and heaven while guided by Virgil a nd Beatrice. Throughout this journey Dante conforms himself to virtue, properly orders his passions, and conforms his conscience, â€Å"Dante s psychopoiesis operates through the mimetic deformation, reformation, and transformation of conscience†(Macready, 2). This essay will examine what a true conscience is according to the Catechism of the Catholic
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Economic Impact of Insurance Consolidation and Hospital Mergers - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2107 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2018/12/26 Category Economics Essay Type Research paper Level High school Topics: Consumer Rights Essay Hospital Essay Did you like this example? Consolidation in the health care providers has been increasing significantly over time. This has affected the provision of health care services to the people. It is noted that health care systems are undergoing the consolidation primarily because they are driven by the regulatory factors, technological innovations, financial pressures and the market dynamics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Economic Impact of Insurance Consolidation and Hospital Mergers" essay for you Create order Other players in the market such as the banking institutions have also been affected by the consolidation wave that has forced them to seek survival tactics such as mergers and acquisitions. The rapid wave of consolidation that has taken place poses a critical question whether the ongoing changes in the healthcare providers regarding the collaborating by the providers would have on the future health care. However, it is noted that with the previous incidences of mergers and acquisitions, healthcare service provision has significantly increased. Unfortunately, the considerable costs attached to the healthcare provision after the consolidation seems to continue to rise with time. This paper analyses the impact of insurance consolidation, hospital mergers, and the economic impact this has on providers and consumers. Healthcare competition does not have a similarity to other market firms, which experiences high competition with an increased number of participants. This does not affect the health care providers. Notably their service provision costs remain unchanged about the number of available competitors in the same market. However, with the consolidation of the insurance companies that offer services on the health care, it would be evident that it signifies a concern to the consumers. Based on the economic theory, when two or more insurance companys partner in any form, they are likely to increase the costs of their premiums given that the number of competitors has dropped. On this note, insurance companies in the healthcare industry have a direct impact on the policyholders. According to Trish, Herring, (2015), the consolidation of the insurance companies would increase significantly. This has been posited that collaboration of the insurance companies would affect the provision of the servic es to its clients. The economic theory argues that when the number of insurance providers drops then their premium would rise due to lack of competition. In this case, it is clear that the insurance consolidation has an impact on the people since this would result in an increased healthcare provision costs. On the contrary, the insurance companies indicate a different perspective regarding the anticipated costs of the premiums. According to the insurers, an increased size of the insurance company becomes an advantage to leverage while bargaining for cheaper costs on the premiums for its clients. This thus indicate that when the insurance company increases in its size it gains a potential to forge discussion with the health care providers regarding the costs of services to the policyholders. Thus, this would affect lower charges on its customers unlike the thought based on the economic theory which posits that mergers or insurance partnering would culminate into high costs of premium due to lack of competitors. A study focused on the analysis of impact of the number of insurance providers and its impact on the costs of the premiums indicated that actually there is an effect. In the study, which analyzed the Obama, care insurance that was introduced with an aim of providing insurance services to those who could not afford the Medicare or Medicaid insurances (Ho, Lee, 2017). The Obama care was established by the Affordable Care Act, which targeted people who could not afford healthcare insurance or could not get it through their employer. The study indicated that when the new insurer was introduced into the market there was a drop in the cost of premiums by 2%. This clearly shows that the insurance companies would still affect the costs of premiums regardless of their claim that they would maintain the affordable costs to its clients. Thus, it is clear that competition is an eminent fact that would affect the availability of the premiums considering the costs associated. Based on the above figure, it is evident that the number of providers would influence the cost of premiums offered. With a higher number of the services providers, the sots of the premiums would be lower. Another study indicated similar results from the way the insurance company would affect the operations together with the health care providers (Dafny, Gruber, Ody, 2015). It is notable that with the increases number of providers for the insurance clients would benefit. This is evident since availability of more provider would be under their competition seeking to win more customers to subscribe to their premiums. In this case, they would be sensitive to the price level for the customers. It is noted that most of the customers are people with certain challenges and would want to get the services too. However, with the high costs of premiums they might not be able to secure a reputable health service since it might be too costly for them to afford. Therefore, they would be obliged to purchase the less costly one that would be available in the market. Insurance companies have a critical role to play in the healthcare service provision. Over recent times, it has been a concern to increase people access to healthcare, which was availed through the insurance premiums. This further went on, given it is business competition, each company that offered services they would want to make it appear the best to the consumers (Melnick, Shen, Wu, 2011). However, the issue has been on the sensitivity of the policyholders seeking to get the best services from the insurance companies without having to incur significant costs. Some people would not even subscribe to any health cover due to the high costs associated with them. In developing nations, healthcare insurance is one of the challenges, which does not seem to offer any assistance according to the policyholders. They believe paying their regular premiums should be associated with more healthcare services. It is noted that this coupled with other challenges that come with the insurance and t he state of persons health; it becomes unaffordable for some people. Hospital mergers have a considerable effect on the provision of health service. It is noted that healthcare providers have a significant part in the way health service would be structured and provided to the people. Public health service providers seek to offer the best services but might be faced with some issues regarding the way they avail their services to the people. Mergers and acquisitions have since been a common thing within the business field (Tenn, 2011). It has been noted to occur in companies that offer similar products and existing in a competitive market. Healthcare service providers also are involved in mergers and acquisitions with an aim to benefit from the partnership. Mergers also have the same impact on businesses as the consolidation. It is evident that businesses aimed at a certain market power and share would enter into such partnership. Mergers also profit the business organization in enjoyment of market share and profitability. When businesses merge one clea r happening is that they would seek to control the impacting issues on their market operations. Hospital mergers like other types of business would benefit from the merger since they would have significant control on their market. Hospital mergers emerge from the ?Affordable Care Act. Insurance companies, which offer health cover to people, would consolidate and become a bigger organization capable of placing unfavorable impacts on healthcare providers (Dafny, 2009). Thus, one of the significant issues that affect how the companies would react to their competitorsadvances include provision of the various services in their operations. It is noted that hospital mergers have considerable impact on the provision of health services to the people. When the hospitals merge, they would provide best and cost effective health care service. The benefit that comes to the people is that healthcare providers become integrated with other services providers. Their electronic system gets integrated so that they all provide related services to the people. Notably, different hospitals are able to get electronic records shared among all the providers. With this in regard, it is noted that the providers would ensure that there is a reduction in the level of redundancy in the provision of services to the people. On the other hand, the service provision would increase significantly, as there would be no significant variations regarding the health records of the patients. Implementation of a standardized healthcare system has made it possible to integrate significant developments towards its output. This is when all the health providers are able to coordinate in providing an equal health care service. Studies indicate that surgeons who have been in constant operation activities would be in a position to conduct successful operation unlike one who does not have regular operations. All those concerned with the provision of the same services such as surgery would base their service provision in a standardized method that seeks to ensure quality of service provision. Furthermore, advanced healthcare would reduce the number of reported deaths due to effect from the inefficiency created by those healthcare practitioners who deal with low volumes of cases. Based on the studies, it has been determined that a low number of volume of healthcare case would be related to the increased number of reported cases of deaths on patients. As a result, the standardized h ealthcare would seek to intensify the level of healthcare by ensuring that the persons seeking health services be incorporated such that even after returning from their leave, would be engaged in some related work to update their practice (Tenn, 2011). Moreover, when hospitals merge, the cost of service provision seems to drop considerably. This therefore indicates that one has to be on constant touch with the established operations to be perfect. This would reduce the number of casualties reported due to operations conducted by different medical practitioners. Both insurance consolidations and hospital mergers have significant economic effects on both providers and consumers. Consumers tend to gain when the insurance provider lowers the cost of premiums towards the health cover. This comes when the person offering the health care consolidates to become a large organization (Dafny, Duggan, Ramanarayanan, 2012). Consequently, the organization would have a capability to seek out services with the healthcare provider that would be considerate with the policyholders. On the other hand, the mergers between different hospitals also brings about increased health care services. As a result of the increased complexity and the need to have a unified service to the patients regarding the most complicated operations, it is through mergers that specialized health service has been established. With an increased capacity of operation of the insurance company, the policyholders benefit by accessing cheaper premiums while the insurance company enjoys econo mically through its negotiation with the health providers to reduce certain charges for health services covered. In this way, it is evident that the prospects arising from the insurance undertakings is of significant importance. To conclude, the insurance company does an incredible job towards the delivery of quality healthcare. The affordable healthcare to all does not seem practical since the cost implications hinder other people from accessing healthcare with the insurance companies. Merger between different hospitals benefits largely on the persons seeking healthcare. Hospitals that merge realize a significant aspect of quality that would benefit people. Because of the impact of the considerable effect of the merger between different health providers, it becomes evident that health service is improved hence would benefit the persons seeking it. On the other hand, different people would maintain the cost at a level attainable. It is therefore noted that the health care service providers would achieve a significant economic benefit when it involves potential insurers that focus on quality service provision. References Dafny, L. (2009). Estimation and identification of merger effects: An application to hospital mergers.? The Journal of Law and Economics,? 52(3), 523-550. Dafny, L., Duggan, M., Ramanarayanan, S. (2012). Paying a premium on your premium? Consolidation in the US health insurance industry.? The American Economic Review,? 102(2), 1161-1185. Dafny, L., Gruber, J., Ody, C. (2015). More insurers lower premiums: Evidence from initial pricing in the health insurance marketplaces.? American Journal of Health Economics. Ho, K., Lee, R. S. (2017). Insurer competition in health care markets.? Econometrica,? 85(2), 379-417. Melnick, G. A., Shen, Y. C., Wu, V. Y. (2011). The increased concentration of health plan markets can benefit consumers through lower hospital prices.? Health Affairs,? 30(9), 1728-1733. Tenn, S. (2011). The price effects of hospital mergers: a case study of the Sutterâ€Å"Summit transaction.? International Journal of the Economics of Business,? 18(1), 65-82. Trish, E. E., Herring, B. J. (2015). How do health insurer market concentration and bargaining power with hospitals affect health insurance premiums Journal of health economics,? 42, 104-114.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Catholic Reformation Essay - 1053 Words
During the 16th century, Protestantism emerged as a new sect of Christianity. This process was not calm or peaceful in the slightest. Protestant leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin fiercely attacked and denied traditional Catholic beliefs, causing much controversy and debate upon religion. Many regions of Europe as a whole were converted to Protestantism, and many more Protestants emerged in areas where Catholicism remained the state religion. The Catholic faith became less and less appealing to people as the abuses of the clergy were now publicly addressed by reformers and a new, personal approach to religion was offered in Protestantism. In addition, rulers favored Protestantism as a state religion because it meant that no power†¦show more content†¦An important declaration was that The Vulgate, a translation of the Bible into Latin made by St. Jerome, was the only official version of the Bible. This meant that people had to know Latin to read Scripture, so the righ t of individuals to have their own interpretation of Scripture was denied. Monasticism continued to be an important practice, and the existence of purgatory was reaffirmed. The Council of Trent set out to reaffirm and restate traditional Catholic beliefs in order to protect against the Protestant Reformation. The members of the Council of Trent realized the unfair abuses of the church, and called for reform. In this way, they were protecting themselves against criticism from Protestant reformers. A drastic reform of monastic orders was launched. The council acted against the abuse of indulgences while still upholding the principle. This meant that indulgences could not just be sold; indulgences were granted when an individual did something truly good. Also, bishops were to reside in their respective dioceses and attend more carefully to their duties, exercising more control over clergy. Pluralism was checked and steps were taken to make sure church officials were eligible for the jo b. In order to have an educated clergy, the council ordered that a seminary be set up in each diocese for priest training. More careful steps were to be taken to ensure the celibacy of clergy. The Council of Trent was able to eliminate many abuses of theShow MoreRelatedThe Catholic Reformation Essay1393 Words  | 6 Pagesthese Reformation movements, the Church needed to make some reforms itself. These reforms took the form of educating the clergy, opening monasteries, the Inquisition, and the organizing of councils. In fact, even though Protestant attacks brought these reforms, many of these reforms were needed anyway. The problems in the Church were so bad that the Church would not have survived if the problems were not fixed. Even though there were movements to stop Protestantism, the Catholic Reformation was moreRead MoreRoman Catholic Church Reformation: Martin Luther Essay702 Words  | 3 PagesOn the 31st of October 1517 was the beginning of the reformation when Marti n Luther Posted up his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Roman Catholic Church and published in Wittenberg, Germany. The Reformation Became the Basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity. Luther had far-reaching political, economic and social effects. But the main question is why Martin Luther was able to successfully challenge the church of its religious and political authorityRead MoreThe Catholic Reformation And The Jewish Torah1229 Words  | 5 Pageswill focus on in this essay is the Catholic Reformation. However, whether this reformation can be simply called the Catholic Reformation is a question that needs to be adressed. 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THE RELIGIOUS CLIMATE OF 16TH CENTURY ENGLAND  In order to understand the religiousRead MoreThe Decline Of The 16th Century Reformation Essay1448 Words  | 6 Pagescentury reformation (from the Latin word reforma, meaning change) was a revolt against the excessive power wielded by the Catholic Church throughout Europe in the 16th century, and lead to the eventual founding of Protestantism. The reformation ended the dominance of Europe by the Catholic church, separating Christians into Protestants and Catholics, and was a turning point in religious and European history. At the beginning of the 16th Century, Europe was dominantly Catholic. The Catholic ChurchRead MoreTyndale Bible And The Reformation Of England860 Words  | 4 PagesThe Reformation of England The Reformation of England was a very important, yet difficult time, in history. According to Hughes Oliphant Old, author of The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian, â€Å"The Reformation in England obviously pressed for a variety of changes that affected the whole life of the nation†(Old, 2002) There are many people and experiences that influenced this Reformation in English history. One of the biggest influences on The Reformation wasRead MoreThe 95 Theses By Martin Luther982 Words  | 4 PagesFor this essay, I chose the 95 Theses by Martin Luther as my primary source. This primary source is a historical document that cause major uproars throughout Europe. The 95 Theses were written by Martin Luther in October of 1517. The 95 Theses were ninety-five statements written by Martin Luther in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church. They challenged the common practices of the Catholic Church, including indulgences and the authority of the pope. The 95 Theses sparked a theological debate that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Master of Sciences in Public Health
Question: Discuss about theMaster of Sciences in Public Health. Answer: Introduction Climate change is a crucial subject in the contemporary time affecting virtually almost all dimensions of policymaking in the world. It is a critical concern in international relations, and it greatly affects urban development planning. Climate change has seriously impacted the environment by altering the ecosystem as well as affecting the health of the people. The society tends to structure their daily activities based on current climatic conditions. The term climate change refers to the geometric distribution of weather patterns in which such variances in weather conditions are prolonged. Climate change is believed to be caused by human activities as suggested by the FCCC[1] of the United Nations. Human actions that raise the absorption rate of greenhouse gasses in air are likely to alter the energy balance of the earth causing global warming. Global warming refers to a rise in the atmospheric temperatures typically attributed to increased levels of greenhouse gasses. According to Greg and Bourne, (n.d.), the atmospheric temperatures have increased by up to 0.76c within the past hundred years, and much of this effect has been experienced over the previous 20 years. For instance, in 2003, hundreds of people were killed as a result of water warming up extremely such that they were too hot for the people to obtain sufficient oxygen from the water. A WWF report also indicates that temperatures in Europe over the summer period have risen to 2c within the past 30 years. Causes and Mechanisms of Climate Change Climate change is induced by a range of activities ranging from natural activities such as galactic forcing processes to human reasons like the use of carbon emitting energy. The following are the common causes and mechanisms of climatic variations: Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is defined as a process where heat is trapped near the earth surface due to an increase in the intensity of greenhouse gasses. Gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor among others comprise what is referred to as greenhouse gasses. These gasses form a layer above the atmosphere that acts as a blanket, absorbing and reducing the rate at which heat is lost into space thus increasing the atmospheric temperatures. Since the beginning of the industrial age at around 1750, climate change has substantially resulted from human operations that add the levels of CO2 and greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, hence, preventing radiation from the earth to space (Houghton, et al, (1995)). The major activity causing the greenhouse effect is the emissions from burning fossil fuels and biomass. Galactic Variations External climate forcing processes such as the revolving of the solar system at the focal point of the Galaxy possibly lead to climate change (Huggett, 1991). Disparities in the space between galaxies as the galactic year progresses may impact the intensity of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth. As a result, a radiative forcing system is created which brings about climate change. Also, scientific studies reveal that changes in gravitational force influenced by the large and small Magellanic Clouds neighboring our galaxy, also have a significant effect on the climate. Most researchers assume that a galactic year is around 300 million years. Such a huge duration associated with this climate forcing mechanism, makes the experimental confirmation of this evidence extremely inaccurate. Fischer, (1984), suggests that there is a possibility that the galactic variation mechanism could have triggered the ice age super cycles in the ancient years. Variations in Reflectivity Particles and aerosols existing above the earths surface also influence the climate. Some of these aerosols come from naturally-occurring activities such as volcanic eruptions and marine plankton. For instance, Black Carbon absorbs sunlight as well as the infrared radiation coming from the earth. Deposits of black carbon in the form of snow or ice increase the rate at which snow absorbs sunlight and fastens its melting (Houghton, et al, (1995)). The melting of sea ice is also attributed to be a natural cause of changes in reflectivity that triggers other processes. Particles from volcanic eruptions that reach the earths upper atmosphere can reflect sufficient sunlight back to space that has a cooling effect on the surface of the earth. A single volcanic eruption does not cause a long-lasting climate change since the volcanic particles last for a shorter period in the atmosphere than greenhouse gases (Houghton, et al, (1995)). The earths reflectivity is also affected by human changes in land cover or usage. For instance, activities such as deforestation and desertification bring about climate change. Urbanization has also contributed to deforestation as well as the increase in carbon emission from cities leading to changes in the earths reflectivity (Causes of Climate Change, (n.d.)). Environmental Impacts of Climate Change Higher temperatures and fluctuating rainfall patterns lead to different environmental effects. For instance, increased evaporation bring about hurricanes, and the rising of the sea level results in flooding along the coast line. Shifts in climatic patterns are destroying the ecosystem by causing damage to habitats in the sea and also on land. The warming of the earth surface makes such habitats unsuitable for animal and aquatic life hence risking the entire ecosystem. For example, coral bleaching is an effect of climate change and it adversely affects the survival of sea creatures by disrupting their feeding patterns. Climate change can make land too hot to cultivate certain crops leading to famine in the regions affected. It could also result in drought which can significantly reduce the amount of water bodies, and those available will not be enough for irrigation. Forests are also likely to be pest-ridden due to the strong winds that help in spreading weeds and pests to new areas (Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems, (n.d.)). Also, wildfires are often experienced in forest areas due to drought that starts and aggravates the fires and makes them to burn for a lengthier period. Health Impacts of Climate Change High deaths are recorded during extremely hot summers due to heat waves. For instance, in 2003, thousands of lives were lost during the hot summer waves. Pollen grains and allergen particles suspended in the air cause lung irritations and trigger respiratory diseases such as asthma (Health Impacts of Climate Change, (n.d.)). During hot summers, it is easier for pathogens to breed in freshwater since it is warmer, making it unsuitable for human consumption as well as for the survival of animals. Elderly people are also prone to deaths resulting from cardiovascular illnesses and respiratory complications due to the exceeding high atmospheric temperatures. Medical facilities and residences are likely to be swept away by floods and hurricanes caused by climatic changes such as rising sea levels and increased evaporation of water. Such floods also contaminate the sources of fresh water, thus increasing incidences of water-borne illnesses. It also creates a breeding home for pathogenic insects such as mosquitos. Malaria is highly induced by climate and it has claimed a number of young children particularly in Africa. Destruction of crops due to the rising temperatures and changing patterns of rainfall can lead to reduced levels of food in many disadvantaged areas leading to severe health conditions such as malnutrition which claims millions of lives annually. Social Impact of Climate Change Social problems such as poverty and famine are likely effects of climate change. Floods and extreme weather conditions destroy property, homes, and crops leading to a decrease in the living standards of the communities affected (Society Impacts. (n.d.). High cases of sickness during adverse climate conditions such as exceedingly hot summers or extremely cold winters hinders individuals from going about their daily activities. Therefore, their sources of income become limited and depleted as they spend more on buying medicine and food. Death also affects the society by reducing the population and causing grieve to families that may not be able to support themselves if the breadwinner dies. Economic Impact of Climate Change Drought reduces the amounts of crop yield hence affecting the agriculture sector. It also reduces the amount of water available to support the generation of hydro-electric power. As a result, energy shortages are expected to occur which affect the levels of production in various industries. Damage to infrastructure during floods hinders the rendering of a number of services. For instance, the transport sector is affected significantly during extremely cold seasons as a result of snow that forms on the roads rendering the impassable. The tourism sector is also affected when floods occur at the coastal regions reducing the foreign exchange revenue to the countries involved (Tol, 2009). The fishing industry is also disrupted due to changes in water temperatures that damages the habitat for fish by depleting the amounts of oxygen available as well as causing coral bleaching. Indicators of Climate Change in UAE Over the past few decades, two main issues have been at the heart of UAEs government plan. The rise in energy demand and the increase in carbon dioxide emission are two burning issues that the UAE authorities are concerned about. World statistics reveal that UAE is at the top of those countries with the highest carbon dioxide emissions per head. It implies that UAE is the leading world environmental polluter and it is followed by Qatar. The increasing energy consumption requirements can be attributed to the rise of more industries as well as urbanization. More building are being established and more technology is being used in various sectors requiring the use of electric power. A significant section of the UAE is categorized as desert, more so the western sides of the nation. The features of arid and semi-arid regions characterize the overall climatic features of UAE. Research conducted on UAE regions indicates that over decade as from 1997 to 2007, energy consumption has risen by 5 5.8%. On the other hand, it is evidenced that carbon dioxide emissions have increased within an average rate of 34% over the same period. It is anticipated that as the 21st century winds up, the climate of UAE could get warmer with temperatures levels expected to increase while the rate of precipitation is anticipated to decrease significantly. Impacts of Climate Change on Different Sectors in the UAE Climate change has substantially impacted on the water zones of UAE as a consequence of the high energy consumption levels. The country spends more electric energy and there high burning of fossil fuel (Radhi, (n.d.)). Due to the greenhouse effect, desertification has occurred, depriving the country of enough water to sustain the production of power as well as to support the agriculture sectors. Drought reduces water levels in most vessels especially the ocean which provides the majority of the water used by the coastal nation. The effects of climate change on the coastal region such as flooding and melting of sea ice have been experienced also in the UAE region. Being an oceanic state bordered by an enormous body of water, it is accurate to presume that the country undergoes more impacts of rising sea levels as compared to other landlocked states. The coastal line is affected by flooding during the hot summers hence impacting on the tourism sector as much (United Arab Emirates. (n.d .)). Effects of Climate Change on Sustainable Development in UAE Sustainable development refers to when development strategies meet the contemporary needs without exhausting natural resources to enable future generations to satisfy their needs. Therefore, if a country depends more on the use of non-renewable sources of energy such as oil, the economy will worsen over time with decreased supply of such resources. Therefore, it is essential that the economy uses more of renewable sources of energy such as solar power or natural gas to stabilize the economy so that it remains strong during periods of high energy prices or energy shortages. The UAE has established strategies as to improving sustainability which include replacing of fossil fuels with their non-fossil counterparts as well as putting appropriate measures in place to safeguard the depleted resources. For instance, UAE is planning to establish a solar power plant costing an estimated $350 million. In addition, the state also intends to develop a hydrogen-operated power plant. Masdar City i s an example of UAEs efforts to construct low carbon emitting structures and the utilization of renewable sources of energy (Radhi, (n.d.)). It is evident that such programs can play a major role in sustainable development in the environmental and technological areas, as well as boosting the economic sector. Conclusion Climate change is caused majorly by human-induced factors in the current days such as the increased use of non-renewable sources of energy that contribute to CO2 emission to the atmosphere. Consequently, the greenhouse effect contributes to global warming which has many detrimental impact on the earth we are living in. Before the beginning of industrialization, climate change was caused by natural factors such as the positioning of the earth along its axis which caused variations in the amount of sunlight reaching the earth service. The planets position within the galaxy also contributed to galactic variations causing climate change. Earths natural reflectivity has been reduced significantly by human activities such as poor land use and urbanization processes resulting in desertification of some regions and deforestation. The variations in climatic patterns has impacted the environment through floods, strong heat waves, and hurricanes. Poverty and hunger have also resulted as a conse quence of climate change. A sharp increase in respiratory diseases and cardiovascular problems has also resulted from climate change. The energy sector has been affected with more individuals using air conditioning systems during hot seasons leading to increased shortages. The transport and infrastructure sector has also been impacted severely by climatic variation. UAE is among the top carbon emitters and as a result, most parts of the country have turned into deserts. However, the economy has established sustainable projects to help protect the environment, as well as upgrade their economic and technological sectors. Recommendations The use of renewable energy such as solar power can greatly help conserve our environment against the effects of variation in climatic conditions. Carbon emissions can also be lowered by using alternative sources of power such as hydrogen to run machines as well as planting trees around offices and homes to help create a shade instead of using air conditioning systems. The building industry should use resources that help in the circulation of heat to help reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Planting of crops during the normal climatic conditions and planting drought-resistant crops can also assist in tackling the problem of hunger. Proper use of land and urban planning can also reduce human-induced climate change. Establishing energy regulations such as the carbon emission taxation policy can help reduce global warming by forcing countries to deviate from using fossil fuels. References Causes of Climate Change. (n.d.). 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